I see fish floating past.
Adam Bandukwala

‘Port of Newcastle from the Lighthouse’
Megan Barass
‘Port of Newcastle from the Lighthouse’ is a series of nine paintings I created whilst on an Artist residency at Lighthouse Arts at Nobbys- Whibayganba headland cottages in 2022. Starting with en plein air sketches and finishing each painting in the studio, I had a unique vantage point to observe the working harbour, these nine small paintings depict a moment in the present capturing with detailed observation the vessels entering and exiting the busy port I have used bold brushstrokes and thick vibrant colour alla Prima on 9 stretched canvases each 30 x 30 cm in size to portray this. From the past, the lighthouse has guided vessels into the Hunter River; established on Nobbys Head in Newcastle in 1854 and is listed on the Commonwealth heritage register as one of the oldest operational lighthouses on the east coast of Australia. The intention of creating this artwork is to highlight the importance of Newcastle and her Port. The future or vision is for the Port of Newcastle to become “Australia’s first-choice East Coast port, able to accommodate, attract and grow a diverse trade base in an efficient, sustainable, profitable and innovative manner”

Dianne Beevers
DIANNE BEEVERS approaches maritime works through the personal lens of a seafarer’s wife in Newcastle (1960’s -1980’s). Geoffrey Beevers, an English deck officer arrived in Newcastle, joining Associated Steamships (ASP) on coastal bulk ships supplying BHP Pty Ltd with iron ore, dolomite, coke and coal for steel making. When BHP absorbed ASP’s Bulkships’ Captain Beevers was offered employment by BHP, appointed Master with the Iron fleet, including RO RO’s, “Iron Monarch” and ”Iron Duke”. Early in 1980’s, Captain Beevers was appointed Sea Pilot with Port Phillip Sea Pilots, Melbourne, prompting an ongoing series of Archipelago works evoking the inner life of seafarers. A year in Newcastle, post 1990 earthquake, established the maritime focus, delivering exhibitions in Newcastle (Newcastle Contemporary Gallery, Lake Macquarie Gallery, The Lockup) and Melbourne, including Arts Victoria Gallery, National Gallery of Victoria (SeaPilot,1995), Maritime Art Award and RMIT University. Returning to Newcastle in 2015, to Captain Weatherill’s 1857 house, represents another return to maritime works. Seafarer (2023) continues the focus of composite works, combining graphic references synonymous with ship markings, chart soundings denoting the submarine topography of Newcastle Port, and the 24/7, working realm of the ship’s bridge team.

Newcastle Dock
Helen Bells
I was born In Newcastle and my father and grandfather worked on the docks. The waterside and the docks are very familiar to me although I haven’t lived in Newcastle for many decades. I painted this in 2022.

Destiny Shines
Yvette Bender
Destiny Shines. Destiny shines brightly over Newcastle harbour welcoming the mariners who visit our beautiful city, beaches and surf. Close to Destiny is the harbour with all the exports that make our regions rich heritage. Destiny shines brightly over Newcastle harbour welcoming the mariners who visit our beautiful city, beaches and surf. Close to Destiny is the harbour with all the exports that make our regions rich heritage. Serti Technique. The Serti technique is the silk painting technique where designs are formed with gutta or water-based resists, which are applied to white silk. Once the gutta or water-based resist has dried, paint or dye is applied within the resist border. The Gutta or resist acts as a barrier for the dye or paint-keeping the colour within the outlined areas of the design and allowing you to achieve sharply defined borders.

Newcastle. Past, Present, Future.
Karen Bloomfield
‘Newcastle. Past, Present, Future.’, is a literal response to the theme of this year’s inaugural competition. Each aspect of ‘time’ is represented in multiple ways: linearly, in-perspective, and literally. ‘Past’ is at the top, way in the back, a land-mass as ancient as the country itself. ‘Present’ is the middle layer, represented by Port & industry: busy, effective, the manifestation of all that has been created by those who came before. ‘Future’ is at the bottom and front: most immediate, represented by youth enjoying the Harbour. The colour scheme represents industry, orange & grey, but the design is one of joy and inclusion. ‘Newcastle. Past, Present, Future.’, is a cheerful ode to a city reimagined that engages with and encompasses those who live there.

Tug Boats Carrington
Geoffrey Breen
A group of tugboats at their harbour moorings at Carrington.

(Carrington Dock )
John Butler
Built in 1877 the Carrington Hydraulic Engine House housed the first large scale hydraulic power system established in Australia, providing power for the original coal loading cranes. The painting’s title references both a nostalgia for the past as well as hope for a future powered by wind and other renewables.

Loading Coal at the Dyke
Robert Carter
This painting portrays the British ship Monkbarns being moved alongside the wharf at the Dyke in the Port of Newcastle c.1920′ to load a cargo of coal for Iquique. Newcastle was one of the worlds great sailing ship ports where coal was loaded mainly for shipment to the West Coast ports of South America where it fueled the railways and the steamships that traded to those Ports.

Two Shining Lights
Robyn Coleman
The first commercial shipment into the Port of Newcastle was in 1799. It is now the largest port on the east coast of Australia by volume of shipments and has created substantial growth for the local economy. Nobby’s Lighthouse was built in 1858, it is an integral part of the port’s past, present and future in regards to shipping and boating and the community.

Everyone Has Something to Love Here
St. Columba’s Primary School Year 6
We all agree that Newcastle is a great place to live and play. We know that our city relies in the Port in many ways. You can see in our artwork all the things we love about our town. There are some local places like Jim’s Milk Bar and The University.

‘Tugboat at Sunset in the Harbour’
Dorothy Compton
I love to watch the activities in the Newcastle Harbour. This tugboat was working as the setting sun lit up the distant sky. The port is a major gateway for Australian imports and exports. The tugs work twenty – four hours seven days a week assisting docking and undocking or positioning, guiding freighters and cargo ships safely during entry and exit from port. Common sight in every large port around the world, and without them the business of international trade would happen much slower and with limited space. They offer the necessary support to counteract the force of wind, waves or currents. The crews of all nationalities and faiths on all vessels have access to the Mission of Seafarers who offer practical, spiritual welfare, to feel the grass , relieve boredom, have fun and to contact loved ones. It’s the contact with family that is the most important.

Shoreline to horizon
Lee-Anne Corrigan
This artwork was created with mixed media including watercolour, acrylic, and paper mache on stretched canvas. As a novacastrian, I like to portray the positive aspects of our town in portraiture, urban landscape and beach studies. From the Signa to the Pasha Bulka, Newcastle has along history with crisis drama at sea but for most of us the shipping industry brings life in abundance and as well these seafarers connect us to the world. I worked on my sketches and took photos during February to create in my studio this colourful and expressive painting of the abundant life on our shores.

Morning tide
Glenn Currington
As a child I would go fishing early in the morning with my father. Sitting on those old timber wharves with the early morning sun blooming and watching the shipping pass us by, I would dream of a life on the water. Fifty years later, the sun rises daily and brings life to my Newcastle harbour that still holds a romantic place in my soul.

Hanging out on the Harbour
Keisha Day
Newcastle Harbour is a busy place. Whether it is huge coal ships, the Stockton ferry, tugs towing ships, or leisure activities such as sailing or boating in general, Newcastle Harbour is quite iconic. As a sailor myself, I spend any spare minute out on the water. The connection between people and the ocean is such a special thing and boats are quite literally the vessel holding the bond together. As alternatives to coal as an energy source are implemented around the world, the future of Newcastle Harbour will be a changing scene, where potentially more yachts and leisure boats will frequent the harbour.

Look to the Sky
Carmen Delprat
Living in Newcastle I feel very connected with the ocean and its wavering landscape. This painting captures simultaneously the inner world of thoughts and memories with the external physical world and the passing of time.
I was luck one day to take a photo of a seagull in mid-flight. Working intuitively, I arranged this image with another photo of the Ocean Baths in Newcastle to design the composition. To emphasise the focal point, I incorporated a section of one of my nautical shell drawings and painted my idea in oils. According to the professor of Theoretical Physics at Birkbeck College, University of London, Professor David Bohm explains that the symbol of the nautical shell embodies the concept of time. “The spiral is a visual symbol of time which is neither linear nor cyclical, but a dynamic synthesis of both that combines forward movement with the cyclical contingencies of life. The spiral has a history coiled within it, making present the traces of the past. In a sense the whole development of the shell is present”. Using the nautical shell as a subdominant focal point, the idea of the past, present and future symbolise the concept of time. The dominant focal point of the seagull embodies the stark awakening of one’s realisation of the present moment, captured by movement and memory of sound. Our sensory perceptions are ignited with luminous colour, nostalgic memories of cool sea breezes and the sound of seagulls that sail through the air without a care.”

Time sails by
Charlotte Dodd
I’m inspired by the amount of time Seafarers spend away from home to help their families.

Michael Doyle
Reflecting on the theme of this exhibition I thought of my father who passed away early in the COVID Pandemic. He served in the Australian Merchant Navy and often visited the Port of Newcastle. He spoke of the hospitality of the Port Chaplains and the volunteer families who assisted them. His ships, loaded in Newcastle, provided vital supplies to island nations like PNG, Fiji and New Zealand. Years later, similar ships like the Kokopo Chief arrived every three months to Kavieng, New Ireland where my wife and I taught on a Mission Station. Our first child was born at Vunapope Mission close to Kokopo Harbour. Years later, similar ships like the Kokopo Chief arrived every three months to Kavieng, New Ireland where my wife and I taught on a Mission Station. Our first child was born at Vunapope Mission close to Kokopo Harbour. As a former ship visitor for MTS I always enjoyed chatting with crew from PNG at the Carrington docks. Like all seafarers they endure hardship and loneliness.

Past, Present and Future
Leslie Duffin
Viewed from the wreck of the Adolphe on Stockton breakwater, a modern-day bulk carrier is seen entering the harbour, whilst an origami boat bobs in towards the rocks. I reflected on the sailors from the past, and the dangers they faced, but then thought that in recent times we have witnessed the similar situations with the grounding of the Pasha Bulker. The rescue of the sailors from the Adolphe in 1904 is regarded as “remarkable”. The ship I have depicted entering the harbour was formerly known as the MV Drake, and before that the Pasha Bulker. Unlike the Adolphe, it was able to sail again. Once again the sailors were all rescued safely in a remarkable feat of courage from the helicopter crew and all involved. For those who love ships and the sea I hope that all outcomes are as good. For the youngsters sailing their paper boats, I hope the future sees more safe journeys.

Homeward Bound
Helen Elphinstone-King
From the turmoil of the past, depicted by the dark stormy seas of what the Coal ship has travelled through, to sailing to the safety of the Port which lies ahead with a sunny future, portrayed by the evening glow in the foreground. The ship is guided along the right path with the help of others, depicted here as the tugs pushing our ship ahead into its safe harbour. All lying in the hope that coal mining continues to remain an integral part of our Hunter Valleys future and in moving forward on calmer seas! I love to watch these big ships coming into our harbour and watching the dance of the tugboats and their operators and so I try to capture the sheer beauty of an everyday occurrence in a working harbour and hope that it continues to bring prosperity and employment to future generations who live within our Hunter Valley, just as it has done for many of my friends and; family in generations past, in both mining and maritime operations.

Finished For The Day
Peter Erson Smith
The painting “Finished For The Day” acknowledges the local fishing industry made up of local, small, family businesses. Their contribution to the local/national economy as a commodity provider and employer is the essence of the Australian way.

Newcastle Port
Paul Gorjan

What Lies Ahead?
Michael Hannah
The sea is vital to Newcastle – we live next to it, swim and surf in it and fish in it. Ships bring goods to our port across the sea and we ship goods from our port all over the world. The sea is our lifeblood. In my painting, “What lies ahead?”, the ship near the horizon represents Newcastle; our city, our people, have sailed waters both calm and stormy – literally and metaphorically – as represented by the sea leading to the high horizon line in the painting. The character of our people has enabled us to weather it all. But what lies ahead? Are they storm clouds beyond the horizon? What are we sailing into? No human can know that, but we can depend on our character to see us through. The sea is vital to Newcastle – we live next to it, swim and surf in it and fish in it. Ships bring goods to our port across the sea and we ship goods from our port all over the world. The sea is our lifeblood. In my painting, “What lies ahead?”, the ship near the horizon represents Newcastle; our city, our people, have sailed waters both calm and stormy – literally and metaphorically – as represented by the sea leading to the high horizon line in the painting. The character of our people has enabled us to weather it all. But what lies ahead? Are they storm clouds beyond the horizon? What are we sailing into? No human can know that, but we can depend on our character to see us through.

A “Tall Story”
Maggie Hardie
This artwork portrays a tall ship of the first fleet coming to colonise Australia. When I painted this picture I portrayed the explores on the ship not as heroes but as pirates that stole a country that didn’t belong to them. I did this by adding excessive rigging to subtly turn this British ship into one that resembles that of a pirates. The title that I chose for this art work “A Tall Story” outlines the fact that most recounts of the first fleet were written from a British perspective and their for very one-sided to a degree that the story could even be seen as a fabricated or in other words a “tall story”. In addition the British ships are also called Tall Ships so the title fits perfectly.

The Southern Ocean,
majestic & scary
Terry Holdom
I travelled through the Southern Ocean on my way to the Ross Ice shelf in Antarctica. I was in awe of the Albatross who was at complete peace with an ocean I found frightening.

Vale Susan Gilmore
Saxon William White

Geoffrey Howitt
Its not for me, the artist, to give an incomprehensible statement about this work. The viewer is free to create their own impression and response to this work.

Hayden Jeffree
My name is Hayden Jeffree, and I am 9 years old. My artwork is named ‘Empowerment’.
I created this artwork using acrylic paint on canvas. The Pasha Bulker inspired my artwork, my Granny-Sue was telling me about it, and she showed me a picture. My artwork symbolises strength, toughness and overcoming difficulty. The colours represent Newcastle’s bright, happy community and my family. I love exploring Nobby’s beach and thought naming it ‘empowerment’ was the perfect way to reflect on my experience.

Looking Ahead
Priya Joy
Surrounded by a beautiful harbour and stunning beaches, Newcastle is a vibrant young city with a rich maritime history. This painting is a celebration of this much loved location as she remembers the past and looks forward to the promising times ahead.

Sailing through the Tides of Time
Lacey Joyce
As the revealing tides off Newcastle Port wash into the shore the memorable past of seafarers and the history of sailing, a time of great discovery and creation is washed up by the tides. The tides then pull away as the sails of the present unfold unleashing a new era of marvellous and compelling ships and unraveling stories which connect the community of Newcastle to sailing. Further out from the shore in uncharted waters lays a sea of opportunity to yet be sailed through, a sea of hope for the future maritime and a glowing sunrise filled with a new generation of community, ships and Newcastle Port. My artwork is about Newcastle sailing through past present and future it starts off with sailing past the history of Newcastle port drawn with only led pencil to capture a moment in the past and the stories behind Newcastle and it’s sailing. The boat then sailing through the present times of Newcastle which introduces watercolour showing the changes between the past and now, this is all sealed with a black outline. The ship is headed and is sailing towards the future of Newcastle Port, the watercolour sunrise and energetic dolphins are a symbol of hope, I created the future without any solid outlines instead I used gel pens to emphasise the feeling of joy and to show not everything is certain in the future after all, the tides change through the Times.

Hungry ship coming into our harbour
Hideaki Kobayashi
I have predominantly used Acrylic paint these last 3-4 years. I paint or draw every day, but have found myself paining more and more these days. I love the accessibility of this medium. I can use it in the studio or for Plein Air paining. This painting was done in the studio following a morning walk. I’ve lived in Newcastle since December 2006, but grew up in the city of Yokohama, the oldest harbour in Japan. From my childhood, harbours have evoked strong feelings in me. I love the opposites of feeling and mood that the harbour can evoke. From tranquility and drama, to romance and loss. The cargo ships on our harbour are a constant. They arrive floating high and empty and leave with their bodies bellies sinking down into the water. One day this cargo ship came hungrily into our harbour. And I believe they will come and go constantly in the future as well.

The fisherman’s boat is
going out in sunset.
Hideaki Kobayashi
Quite often I go to harbour in late afternoon or evening time. I can see the fisherman’s boats are going out for caching fishes. This colourful evening will be turned into dark night. For me this colourful present will become the past. And they will be back to the harbour in new day.

Shanghai-ing and
The Lost Boat Harbour
Meg Lewer
In its early days, Newcastles’ twisted, and nefarious streets ran down to a hidden boat harbour, the headquarters of the watermen and crimpers who used to take goods and sometimes human cargo to the ships that came into the harbour. The smokey taverns and seedy brothels around the Port were the perfect place to induce victims to drink themselves into a state of intoxication and helplessness, before shanghai-ing them onto outgoing vessels. An interview with Doris Piper in 1988 gave this account of Wickham in 1910; “There was a man, I wish I could think of his name. He was a very, very, big man man with a bit of dark blood in him and he used to Shanghai men for the boats. He was notorious, he was a character in Newcastle and he was there for years and years and he used to just Shanghai these fellows, drunk or whatever they might be. Give ’em to the captain of the boats for a price”

Gwendolin Lewis
I am a member of Australian Society of Marine Artists. I am influenced by the shipping activity in the Newcastle Harbour the ships sailing craft and Tugboats and the general architecture of the huge Coal ships. I was lucky enough to spend 5 days onboard the tall ship Lady Nelson sailing out of Hobart. Experiencing life aboard an historic wooden vessel with canvas sails and ropes and sailing into unpredictable weather was truly amazing. I have tried to capture the feeling of an historic sailing ship using water soluble oils on linen.

Ocular – Christchurch Cathedral
oval window
Paul Maher
‘Ocular’ responds to the theme of Newcastle, sailing through past, present through its focus on Nobbys Headland which has played an important role in providing safe passage into Newcastle Harbour. Christchurch Cathedral, built prominently on the hill over the city, can be seen through the portholes of ships as they come into harbour. The circular windows in the belltower allow a clear visual connection to the headland below.

In Your Veins
Rose McAllister
Newcastle has long been a seafaring port and will continue to be into the future. Those that are welcomed into the port may not have seen their families for extended periods of time. Many international seamen send home all that they earn, what they do is not for them, it is a sacrifice that runs through their veins. As a daughter and now wife of merchant seamen I understand the longing of the heart that exists in the industry. This artwork represents the heart of those who commit their life as merchant seamen. There is a dual existence for families who do not see loved ones for extended periods of time, the three gold lines represent the connect between family and the institutionalized nature of the industry. When families are united, stars shine!

Three Port Holes
Judy McKimm
1. The Port of Newcastle began as a working port with the arrival of convicts. 2. My association with the Port began over sixty years ago. My father was a customs officer who would invite seamen to our home for meals. The family made many good friends. I also learned that going to sea could be dangerous, some of these men did not return home. After my father passed away, I did not have the same contact but my family did manage to meet some crew when they were in Port. 3. After my retirement, I volunteered at the Mission to Seafarers. I drove the bus to bring the seafarers ashore. I would tell people I picked up sailors every Friday night! I see the life of a seafarer as a hard life.

Different Spaces
Jahluvi Mtanda
In different spaces, in different times, in different hearts, the seas remain the same.

Home is a Foreign Country
Annemarie Murland
I am a Scottish female artist, now based in Newcastle, Australia. I make works from a place of memory and embodied experience, connecting the ancestral and personal story of migration to provide meaning and context to my work. My painting practice is a blend of abstract and representational modalities that speaks to felt experience. Influenced by the old and modern Master painters, whose methods and techniques have inspired me to paint, I have shaped a very personal and formal visual language. A personal history, fragmented with memories of longing to belong, is re-remembered in my daily walk around the shoreline of Newcastle beach. Home is a Foreign Country: caught in a space between here and there is a transitional space of quiet contemplation that invites the viewer to experience and feel the emotional duality when time stands still and the past lives on in the present. I painted this image when the sky was low – the sea was penetrating the shoreline; the clouds were so full of gusto that alongside, the threatening rain took me back in memory; I was home. A visual binary connects memory and physical experience through the subliminal compositional devices and temperature in the colour that shapes the picture plane. The atmospheric arrangement and the cool, moody palette lead the viewer into space, becoming part of the image itself and, at once the observer is simultaneously observed. At the same time, a fusion of clouds sits on top of the low horizon and forces our gaze inwards and down towards the earth – asking us to reflect and consider our roots.

Birds safely berthed
Vivienne Nelson
Pilot boats and birds both find a base in a busy harbour.

Lighthouse Seas through Time
The subject matter of my painting encompasses the theme of ‘sailing through the past, present and future’ due to its history and current beacon of light for this area.

The day rolls by…
Rex Ravenhall
Presently, I love enjoying Nobby’s Beach, an early morning or late afternoon surf. I sit on my board and look at the lighthouse and think of all the ship wreaks of days gone by. The reason it was built, to save lives and advance this great city. I also look out to the horizon and see all the ships coming and going and I’m left to wonder what the future will hold for Newcastle and the coal industry.

Newcastle sundown
Bob Saxon
Sunset over Newcastle Harbour is always spectacular, and I couldn’t resist this composition of the ‘Customs’ boats directly into the setting sun. I love painting ‘plein air’ scenes around the harbour but this one is based on a photo taken from this iconic vantage point on Horseshoe Beach Road.

First View
Kay Smith
“First View” is the first sighting of Newcastle from the starboard side of a ship as it passes Nobby’s lighthouse to enter the Hunter River. It is the quintessential Australian scene – the Aussi Beach Carnival. Novocastrians at play on Stockton Beach. Behind this we see the other side of Newcastle, the industry, and the lifeblood that the port and hence the city that was was built upon it – Novocastrians at work.

Safe Harbour
Michelle Sparrow
Newcastle as a city, port and community has weathered through the storms of the covid 19 pandemic with great determination. Over the past two years we have seen many adversely affected by isolation within family life and the loss of income with employment uncertainty. With this in mind we look towards the future with hope as our city and industry rebuilds with confidence. Our workers on the waterways guide our industry and commodities through safe passage. These vessels in the turbulent water convey our hope as a city.

Winches and Bollards
Alan Tonge
Winches and bollards on one of many ships I have drawn; a few of which I have painted.

Hidden in the Tides
Kasey Tudor
The main inspiration for this artwork is the landscape of Newcastle’s beaches, the reference picture used was taken of the rock pools at Bar Beach, a place that my family and I have frequented since I was young. I created this artwork with the intention to highlight and pay tribute to the ocean’s ability to thrive despite the ever-changing city behind it and the continuity of nature despite the changes endured by humanity throughout the past, present and future. I have called attention to my personal connection to Newcastle by incorporating shells, rocks and sea glass into the painting that have been found and photographed by me from Newcastle beaches throughout my years of visiting.

Twilight Tugs
Helena Walkom
My artwork of Newcastle harbour was inspired by the port being a central part of Newcastle. I recently saw this highlighted when I returned to Newcastle after I’d been away for a few years, and was reminded how prominent the ships and the ocean are. This work draws on my memories from childhood of watching the massive ships and being fascinated by the strong tugs. The imagery of this work was inspired by an unknown photographer, who photographed Newcastle harbour at this beautiful light. I wanted to depict this natural glow in an oil painting. Prior to European invasion the area around the harbour was a large source of food and prosperity as well as central to the culture of the Awabakal people.

Suzie West
Time sails forward for every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Civilisation constructed time from something intangible, into something resonating pressure or in an industrial sense ‘time is money’. The first commercial shipment into the Port of Newcastle was in 1799. It is now the largest port on the east coast of Australia by volume of shipments and has created substantial growth for the local economy. Nobby’s Lighthouse was built in 1858, it is an integral part of the port’s past, present and future in regards to shipping and boating and the community.

Ghost of the Seafarer
Suzie West
Throughout history, people have enjoyed being on top of the sea in small watercraft or large commercial cargo and cruise ships. The orange shape in the painting represents a hull of a large tanker or cargo ship that enters our harbour daily ever since the Port of Newcastle was established and will be maintained long into the future. The face hidden in the evening sky is the ghost of a seafarer watching over others upon the sea. The small watercraft represent our local community who live around the Hunter region and utilise the Newcastle harbour for recreation and relaxation. I have deliberately used a complimentary triad of colours, orange green and blue in the painting to bring a sharp focus on the harmony and compatibility that exists between our local community and the global commercial sector in the Newcastle Port. We live in a fabulous Port that has its history in the past, enjoyment in its present and a future our grandchildren’s children will celebrate.

Christopher Wherat
The waterways are an essential entry point into our amazing city and beyond. It’s so important to honour those who work on our waterways to call this city home.

DOCK (diptych)
Joanna Wolthuizen
Since the first commercial shipment was recorded in 1799, Port of Newcastle has grown to become the largest Port on the East Coast of Australia by volume. The fortunes of the City of Newcastle and the Hunter region remain linked to its working harbour as the foundation to creating industries, trade and employment opportunities, community and connectivity. DOCK explores this collaborative construct where Seafarers drive the coming and going of ships past, present and future, clocking over Australia’s growth and prosperity. The artwork encourages the viewer to consider the perspective and significance of the work of Seafarers as it reveals two physically disconnected canvases remaining steadfastly connected through the bigger picture.

Port Newcastle Coal Loading 1955
John Woodland
I am a Fellow of the Royal Art Society of NSW, a Member of The Australian Watercolour Institute, a Fellow of the Australian Society of Marine Artists and Professional Member of the International Society of Marine Painters. I have been exhibiting for 50 years and have received numerous art awards including Best Painting in the 2022 Sydney Royal Easter Show and The Royal Canberra Art Show and The Mission to Seafarers Victoria Art Award Traditional Prize, which I have won twice.

2023 Theme
Newcastle, sailing through past, present and future
The Newcastle Mission to Seafarers is celebrating its 150th anniversary connecting communities, port and people. To celebrate, the Mission will hold the Newcastle Mission to Seafarers Maritime Art Prize 2023.
Our hope is that the Mission to Seafarers Maritime Art Prize 2023 will provide an opportunity to showcase Newcastle’s interaction with the maritime industry, highlight the importance of the Port of Newcastle to our city, and raise awareness of the role of the Mission to Seafarers.
Total Prize Money
Proudly sponsored by
The exhibition is at The Mission to Seafarers Newcastle: 96 Hannell Street, Wickham, 2293
The Newcastle Maritime Art Prize has six categories, supporting eight awards.
Best in Show $5000 Acquisitive Prize
People’s Choice $1000 Prize
CAT 1: $1500 Newcastle MTS Open Award
CAT 2 :$1000 Indigenous Artist Award
CAT 3: $1000 Seafarer / Port Worker Artist Award
CAT 4: $500 High School Students Artists Award
CAT 5: $500 Primary School Students Class / School Artist Award
CAT 6: $100 Primary School Student Artist Award (Three $100 vouchers will be awarded to three students)

Exhibition Dates
Exhibition Opening Night
6pm, Thursday March 23rd
Exhibition Public Viewing
March 24th – April 2nd
10am-4pm each day
Artist Dates
Entries Open
November 7th 2022 to 5pm March 1st 2023
Delivery dates
Sunday 19th – Monday 20th March
9:00am – 4:30pm
Collection dates
Sunday 2nd April 2023 4pm to 6pm
Monday 3rd April 2023 9am to 5pm